My Vice, My Coffee, mmm...good....
I just love a GOOD cup of steaming hot coffee. Surprised? I didn't think so. Anyone who knows me or is just an acquaintance knows that Sherry loves her coffee. Just the thought of sitting down and tucking my legs under me allowing the steamy aroma to waft its way in front of my face is very intoxicating!! What a comfort I get just enjoying a cup of coffee. Everyone has their own "vice" if you will and well, coffee is mine. It can be a bit costly, but at least it's not going to kill me!! I know, I know, I've heard all of the studies and they have pretty much contra-indicated themselves. Hell, now they're saying that coffee can actually be good for you!!! They also say that if you suddenly quit drinking it, that it can be somewhat detrimental to your health. So, there you go, I'm not going to give it up. In fact, Joe just poured me a nice hot cup as we speak...or as I type. :) My dad is a coffee drinker as well and if you mention to him something along the lines of say a new diet that's out, his first question is..."Can I still have my coffee? If not, then count me out." : } That's my dad...I love him. So go ahead, go find your "vice," an honest to good is too short not to enjoy it!! Here's to you, a toast to many cups of coffee*******Good Night and Sweet Dreams of coffee beans dancing in your head... ; )
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